Thursday, December 5, 2019

One People

Kenyans for Kenya
Is Our Natural Spirit
Glory Glory Kenya
Is our Unwavering outfit 

We are greater than the rifts
Of cultures East or west of the valleys
Our unity deeper than the Rifts
Forever bounded together as allys

Lets Forget out Differences 
And more celebrate our Diversity
Lets meant the Fences
For humanity is Universality.

We grow and glow
When Unity and Harmony Won
We Soldier And Conquer 
Together As One.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Shut Up.

Stuff up your shit
Shut up that shit
That hit the Fuck up
Get lit by the Make up
Nothing Happened.

My Love,

My Love, I know that life can be tough, And bring you down when things get rough. But I want you to know, my dear, That you are strong and y...