Why are you so seductive ?
You are so convincing
More very enticing

Better though exhilarating
I salute you with my Signature,
Use you in all my weddings corals
I still miss, this please.
From their cries ,wails and pains
Our forefathers, we can't ignore further
Dying in toils, as beast of your gardens
Ruthless souls, yet you still want us forget?
Forget !!! Recall the boats that capsized
Consuming millions of our grannies souls
Its still fresh , in our flesh
The ships n whips, their sweat ;it lives on
Get hungry or bury your ill behaviors
The executions n manipulation; still lives on,
You took our land n squashed our freedom
Enslaving our traditions, n lifestyles
Chronic Phonies with inept treaties
Experts of falsehood n threats
Your deeds bleed deeper
In our veins once again
All in vain and the pain
So plain will soon fly into your plains
Their wrath is a path we can't stun
Indeed read this creed
Before advancing your greed.
Granny knows best
How dreams decay with time
How helplessness is worth
How miscalculation is heinous
How poor choices cost
How ignorance is fatal
How persistence is important
As well as hope...
Granny goes slow
Tactfully n always sure
Takes chances strategically
Focuses on perfection than critics
Remains calm when necessary
Observes more than he/she talks
Meditates more on unattained goals
And guides prudently
He whines at repeated mistakes
Gets furious on proud heads
Leads a pack by wisdom
Delegations a key ingredient
At the fire place tales
Only goes best selling
With narratives n teachings unmatched
A counselor of life
A control experiment for the growing
Relaxes more .....sleeps more
Granny dear granny....
Granny is well tortured
By life n its commitments
Failed accomplishments
Unattained goals n benchmarks
Feels stupid n unworthy
Don't care attitudes demolished
For his future is on other rough battalions
Energetic but thick to wisdom
Jackasses of advice n wisdom
Lazy bunches of daydreamers
No priorities no loyalty
Phony in making
Copycuts of life operations
The greatest scum of humanity
Useless block heads
Granny knows best
Granny knows best.
His parents sang n sang
The songs he is singing today
Barking in control....
To see if life straightens.
Eliminating the speed bums
On life superhighway
My granny knows best.
My Love, I know that life can be tough, And bring you down when things get rough. But I want you to know, my dear, That you are strong and y...