©GKatolo 2017.....@Thank you
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Celebrating "the Queen Of Africa
©GKatolo 2017.....@Thank you
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
That special Scar
She is pregnant
With hope for survival
A vengeance that throb deeper
After endurance of the rough cut
Bleeding the tears of traditions
Seedlings of persona injustice
As she wailed,
My heart soothed in praises
Relaxing to the joy
A new queen has been crowned
As the cock crowed I sealed her cork
Scavenger at dangers...they ululated
They robbed my gold string
The pearl of my womanhood
And the pride of my personality
Its now rotting in the garden of traditions
Oooh! Why why why....
I feel empty I feel flat...its that harsh.
These women raped me off my dignity
The scrapped all that made me high
Under the deafening pains of the dying candles
I could feel their shadows scrabbling
Feasting on the only treasure I had
Cannibals of humanity, disgrace to purity.
They said it's only the highway
Of acceptance n livelihood
A trace back to the roots
And in humiliation I sustained
The scar star of my vigilance
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Where is your Daughter?
Exploiting the last bits?
Of her wits ?
To make ends meet?
She shines so bright
You may take this light
But she is freezing on sight
Trading the to finality her dignity
she crisscrosses the city
No pity everyone wanna drink in her city
Exposing the most sacred
Breaking all commandments
Covenants so hard to honor
Under the pressure of survival
all these men assure
As they insure her
Satisfaction of the stomach
Storm arc of her lifestyle
She shouts to the pain of the pin
As you overturn on bed
she overturns her body in-turns
As you frees you boobs to flow
She draws tighter to the squeezes
As you bend to pray
She bends over for prey
As you pull your blankets over
She rolls her skirt shorter
As you wake into the morning glory
She has been driving this lorry all night
Dripping in wetness of toughness
Freezing in the numb cold all night
Spreading wider her Red sea
For all fisherman to row
She dresses best in the latrine
She has even acting
To the cannibals of survivals.
Low and Crow this ain't all...
Beauty plus hopelessness
Sweet city plus pity
Dirty party without witty
MAMA ! Where is your daughter?
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
I dont give a F*** am Black...
©GKatolo 2015 .....@Thank you
Monday, October 26, 2015
An empty Stomach... on the Fertile land of Africa.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
1 million reasons to say Thank You Lord

Its My Graduation
Am grateful to life for the sweet orientation.
Sweet orientation of feeling loved and feeling love.
Sweet feeling of intermarrying ma world en yours.
Sweet feeling of talking to u beautiful people.
Damn,so many swt things that have been.
Its rather dawning to me painfully that same life is taking u from me
again.Telling me that u and me got to try it somewhere else.
So unfortunate that am not gonna see u frequently and talk to u.The few
that have had a chance to talk to, even those a didn't talk to, it felt
awesome around u people.We have been a family.
For the many lunch break we have
dined together.for the many trips we ave done together.for the many
lessons we've attended together.the many group discussions we've gathered
together, I can't fathom the fact that there is gonna be no more of this
soon as we part.From the stupid jokes we cracked en laughed at to the
more serious ideas we have shared,damn!am gonna miss u guys.There is no
hope lost though,am certain we gonna bump into each other,the provision
that the world is a small village makes me hold onto this rather fading hope.A must say we've taught en learned a lot from each other. Lessons that
could bring the change that we've all longed for.the change to better
our lives.Am certain and pray also that life holds the best for u all. God bless u abundantly, May He Bless US ALL
©GKatolo 2015 .....@Thank you
Monday, August 17, 2015
Church Boy..Beware!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 6, 2015
my life is suffocated
WHO WILL EVER FILL THE VOID IN ME? This statement was so disheartening and made me drop tears. I looked at my closest pal narrate her story and deep down I felt scorched. "Being born in a billionaires family is not a ticket to happiness but like any other living soul its a personal decision/choice to be happy" she concluded. FYI the worst thing that ever happens is being yoked in families nasty deals which its never by request but the only option in the bargaining table. This leaves you encircled in a certain cocoon which you cant come out of. My freedom is never guaranteed and ironically my security guard knows where, when who and what am gonna do next. "I miss me… I miss playing in the muddy grounds of African soil. I miss visiting/hanging out with my friends anytime I deem right," she emphasized.
As i was listening to my girlfriend narrate her story i was left asking, "does she ever know how many people wish to be like her, funniest of all; does she know how many people are so jealous of her life?I have never lived my life. I don't even think their is such option for me to redeem my life back to normalcy. Having a gun requires licensing, whereas to me its a play toy.Loneliness has made me anti-social. I cant connect with people one on one as i may wish to... At times my legs yearn for a stroll shockingly nonetheless all our fuel guzzlers are always fully fueled and a standby driver ready to take me from shopping, class,down-town and games. i have sophisticated gadgets.. yes i do...the latest apps and gadgets. but am not happy anyway...my life is so suffocated... dad , mum its time you let me go...
©GKatolo 2015 .....@Thank you
My Love,
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In the heart of Egerton University-Njoro(Nakuru, Kenya) lies a very serene 24/7 paradise 3 star (***) hotel THE ARC HOTEL {" Th...
i loved,cherish, recognize and still hold you dearest its been 1,3,6,39 ,20 yrs since you left there was no good bye i wish you waited ...