Betting, is the false hopeThat has has been EatingThe mighty Kings like corrosive acidAdding to the turmoil ,of the Boychild survivalLoaning SitesAre the current over flooded JailsWith prisonersBorrowing to survive recurrent BillsSuffocating them in the murky Economy of nobodiesPoliticians,The best suicide methodcircumventing our expectation and toilsOur sacrifices taken for grantedThe forever living pyramid schemesPompous terminators of our HopeWorld Wide WebThe daylight robberWith insatiable appetiteOf our empty time & pockets, Data this- data thatWhile poisoning our desiresWith the trendy, the breaking and the Juicy gossipA forever Goldmine, For a few con-philanthropist.©GKatolo 2020Thank you
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Monday, July 1, 2019
Winter is Coming
Saturday, May 19, 2018
Anchor Voyage.
Never Despair
About the tears
That wear and Tear
Your zeal at will
Rendering u helpless
Remember, a troubled heart
Is a disease rat
That is ever alert
Deploying poison Mansons
Into your life ecosystem
Don't be afraid
Of the constant life raids
Mark timing like mermaid
Confusing n infusing life cycles
With terror n more tremors
Stay humble and focused
Try your best
And leave the rest
To the maker
He fulfils in abundance.
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Poetic Dose
Give me a pie
Lie on your dye
As your drown in your die
Spy on my sly
shy but why
I am down but not worn
I am Number 1
But I have not won
Battle of this Puzzle
Life that I muzzle
With Might and Fight
Aggressive n Progressive
Life a Journey
That Starts With a stand off
And End as a sent off
GKatolo 2017 .....@Thank you
Thursday, February 16, 2017
it was all glitters
Secret to my soul
Lust the game of politics
Friday, November 25, 2016
Am this messed up
I sit back at the haunt of failure
With reality lighting up my world
Life is a bed of thorny Cactus
And not meeting it's Quality n Value
leaves one more Pathetic.
Yes and I was a baby at first
I could crawl over every Offense
For I had strong defense
And here I am, with more regrets
more life secrets, And tired of Growing Up
Am silly in action, feeble in accountability
Yes for I had to lie over and over again
To act as if my life was all okay
Yet I was in the Mess that life is.
Indeed I couldn't agree any more
That change was the best concoction
To heal all the Pathogens of my existence
But too am still stuck,
At what life puzzle is all about
I stay good only to be Betrayed
Am frustrated for failing my immediate
I still don't know what I need
If life was reset again
More mistakes made me a guru
More fall out made me Mature
History judges my Hustle
Future castrating my ambitions
and present exposing my weaknesses
The faults of over expecting
Seasoned with the experience of deception And finally cured with Reality
Hope brightening my Life
And thankful is all I conclude
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
It doesn't always have to be...
It doesn't always have to be Right
For Sunlight precedes Darkness
It doesn't always have to be straight
For Mountains Exist too
It doesn't Always have to be Highway
For feeder roads lead Home too
It doesn't always have to be Riches
For money Cant buy life
It doesn't always have to be Smooth
For Roughness Sharpen Knives
It doesn't always have to be Victory
For Calamities Occur too
It doesn't always have to be Shallow
For oceans occupy the better part of Earth
It doesn't always have to be Simple
For Challenges Mold men
It doesn't always have to be True
For discoveries would be Dreams
It doesn't always have to be Smiles
For Tears marry Delivering women
It doesn't always have to be Celebrations
For for death is still Celebrations of Life
It doesn't always have to be Fear
For Change is something inevitable
It doesn't always have to be Schools
For talents employ millions
It doesn't always have to be You
For Humanity is always about Compassion
It doesn't always have to be collisions
For the Solutions are not so cheap
It doesn't always have to be Promises
For Dignity is always earned
It doesn't always have to be Work
For Holidays give precious memories
It doesn't always have to be Sweetness
For bees have the worst sting
It doesn't always have to be Love
For above all God loves us Regardless
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Enemy Within
MamaLolo is consoling my heart
As i keenly meditate
The Kenyan plight
The Myopic status
Of a Nation lead by
Virgin Virus
Visionary enough
To enslave for a Jubilee
Amputating the Cord
Of Sustainable existence
A birth right still mutating
In more crude formulae
Captain Capitalist
Investing in Infection
Polluting the Cream
With life assurance portions
Doses of Neocolonialism
Purchase of Loyalty
And there they stick
Years later
Crater Burst in Livelihood
Have nots...
Suffocating to death
Soon They bring Aids
Soon they lobby international orgs.
To help menace of their own creation
A new chain to siphon
Charity disfiguring humanity
And they smile
When they Blackmail
Normal mwananchi
To swim in slaughter blood
Toothless Son
Led by a Cannibal Dragon
Government leading in the scrabble
As Opposition opportune trouble
To fatten Accounts
Preparation for the half decade
Rattle Battle
No good Friend.... Wolves
Feeding on Blood
Of their Sleep Sheep.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Why you?
Why are you so selfish
Why are you never satisfied.
How come you are so biased
Oooh please, spare me the crap
Your eyes are so deceivious
Your Lips so tempting
And your mouth so uncontrollable.
Your existence is so blasphemous
You are ever Wishing
Forever hoping, hopping
From one option to worse optimism
Always wanting... Yes Wanting!!!
You so rude, so unfair, so evil
Your imagination always awkward
Never satisfied, Never fulfilled
Great burial Awaits, next to your dignity
Your are fast to do Malice
Always Wishing others evil
Fast to be the worlds greatest
Too bad, you are a mistake to Humanity
Devoid of empathy
Heart less creation
Good for Nothing
Selfish Is the Body.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
The Still Waters
Down dear Crown
You have enslaved many
Killed their future
Slowed down their pace
Swallowed their hope
Buried their existence
Because you have drowned them
The princess of Impossibility
Your Journey is so Cruel
Fuel with enigma...
Chocks survival
As crime scene of Life
Deadbeat of humanity
I can't judge you
You humbled many
You numbed millions
And many are struggling
To divorce you
As they discover the Glamour
Of highness
Your price quote
Denote selflessness
Shelving Trouble
As we trot higher the summit
I summon you today
Please unchain them
Bye bye Down
Am downloading
My new version of an higher elevation
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Cling On
Dream are Zeros
Dots that connect
Sparks of imagination
Creating Visions
Powerful like missiles
And tough miles get smiles
Piles of conviction
Season the Friction
Of Reality and wishes
As well Hope Cling on
Cushioning Possibilities
Comforting Failures
And awarding Victories
Works of undeterred
Push-on, Believe & persistence
Eventually Goals win Medals
Tears tare souls apart
And of Joy assert, a worth Fight
Fruitful Energies Shine Brighter
As Ages of toil soon smack success
Cling on
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Shake the wake
Peace is in Pieces
Please is in feces
Rogue Faces every places
Embrace is in Loose laces
Do we blame education?
Oh or is it the seduction?
Into Politico-tribal abduction?
Denting Democratic intuitions!
My country is bleeding
in suicidal dealings
Corruption flirt in all ceiling
More than Doubt is tribal seedings
Good people led by selfish hyenas
Selfless defenseless citizens
Anchored in retrogressive nomenclature
Bonded by Doom and Lord Goonship
Punctually they attend their diarrhea Kamukunjis
To add insult nonchalantly praise the crap dolls
With enthusiasm the blindly follow like Twitter
And as they sink into blood shed
they blame the smarter carnivals
Survival for the fittest
Is the amorphous Slogan
That Dread Normal mwananchi to a zombie
And with no job and high flow of dirty cash
We sell soul to slaughter our bro Saul.
Rich cunningness is catalytic
It divides and rules In glass class
with evil evidence snarling up life traffic
They Lead us in Graves and animosity
As they smile to the bloody money banks
But poor is so poor even in thinking
Advice they practice like litmus
As warning they strip in uncelebrated heroism
Drowning in Persona injustices
Assuming fifth class lifestyle
To please the tribal Lords..
They chant change change all over
and when they get a chance they change
For they feed us with our cash change
And we pretend all is just fine
And the lie rots year in-out
That can't change even the wage bills
Friday, April 22, 2016
waiting... waiting
is the longest time we all suffer
the derailed patience and panic
that release traumatic acid
the Success failure transition
But that wait.... Is expensively painful
The stomach crumbles in feign
the mind shutters in complexities
and the thought of the unknown
leaves us begging in wishes
and as we strain to beat the deadlines
Times scares hell outer finite
And in every passing second
the brain shivers in tense
and fingers fell wet in despair
That situation and that moments
punishable by unfitness
squanders all our hope and renders us vulnerable
That Wait... is the deepest breath of life
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Stars burning in the Bars
Success without appreciation
Prosperity without gratification
Wealth without satisfaction
As the hurt crumble in pair
As I retire in the deafening caves of my mansion
Fame a sulphurous flame
Corrosive and bitterly eating
My soul into total rejection
That am never happy about my life
For am the iconic shadows of personality
Happiness is below zero degrees
Freezing the miasma of public gratification
At the same time exfoliating my health riches
My partner is Mr alcohol
Am feeble for dating his allures
That have worsened my relation
With persona and fan base
For a living skeleton in my truest
With no share of success in self
But an advert for the gigantic population
They think am satisfied
The hope am the happiest
They imagine am the dopest
They wish to follow soot
But remember celebrity is curse
A liability to self actualization
And a debt to life assurance
Lonely, useless, with more material than moral
Moron sycophancy at climax
Useless praises in the desert of livelihood
And as I retire I regret being so publicly famous
But so lonely and orphaned internally
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Head on conclusion

Go ahead and crop the pictures
Enhance the camera megapixel as you wish
Edit those snapshots as you can
No fountain can hide your evilness
No camera can clean your shit
And no snap posture can overshadow your atrocities
Go ahead and guzzle all the fossil gases
Go ahead and enjoy the extravagant beaches
Go ahead and fill your bank accounts
No experience is super than happiness
No expensive gel, can wash away your wrongdoings
And no wealth is greater than your health.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
No more Beg.
I beg now and so now
Please don't postpone further
Life remains an unanswerable puzzle
Enough with the tussles
Am so done with your failures
Pulling and tearing my efforts
Cancerously with no mercy
Life pegged under money bondage
And opportunities too robbed
Slashing hope into whines
It's Truth of my heart stains
Drained by unfair life
Leave and leave forever.
Can't you see my withering hope
Stop this flop I need to cope
Remain Dope and roll at the top
That my conspiracy theories fails
Every time I remain cool but u still fool
Am done with so done...
Am ready to terrorize you forever
You will regret why you ever dreamt this
You will be a forgotten rot
The mission is so mature
And I assure you will be a kaput
Uproot and shoot to clash flat..
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
The Notorious Gap Of Life.
The sick hoping to be health again
Yet the poor are seeking wealth
Life is a true test.
On daily basis they are under guard
Too stingy are they...yet they rot in whining
More problems more troubles
Yet sound sleep is a dream
Families crumbling in all directions
Love is the sour berries of their life
Wishing world would be fair enough
For you to win a charity
To ascribe to a great lifestyle
Is Gold for many
Hoping they could get an opportunity
To show you how best you underutilized it.
Yet they afford to smile to the naked morning sun
Embrace each other in hope
Zealous to make it in life.
Under the numbing night coldness
As they coil in togetherness
United knowing God is their Guard.
Healthy peaceful daily procession
Marching on in merry
Love and care sealing the bonds.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Digitalia Madness
More updates and more retweets
Hahaha more of this mess
No contact less reality
Fake personality more craze
Less talk more stalks
Expose of more crap and dupe
More filters more litters
Shit on the fact sheets..
Shopping to impress not express
With more follow backs and break ups
Nuisances products of looseness
No Hi more high.
When selfishness
Humanity was buried
The day we dated survival for the fittest
Compassion lost taste
The night logic got into an accident
As leaders wish to be influencers
Youth working hard to feature in graduates list
Geeks of sheep mentality
Following blindly the shepherds laze
As they pose for those great clicks
Uploading steaming videos
To imprison these idols
Fuss of the unknown
Less work more social disgust
All ready to remain trending
Trading character for fame
Pleasing the unseen
A trap of pure madness
My Love,
My Love, I know that life can be tough, And bring you down when things get rough. But I want you to know, my dear, That you are strong and y...
Thank you Lord For this world class gift A lovely charming Day That Flood my soul with Joy A day so special All glory to You Lord Than...
In the heart of Egerton University-Njoro(Nakuru, Kenya) lies a very serene 24/7 paradise 3 star (***) hotel THE ARC HOTEL {" Th...
i loved,cherish, recognize and still hold you dearest its been 1,3,6,39 ,20 yrs since you left there was no good bye i wish you waited ...