the messy age is always seen
has been ;like crazy Mr. Bean
and before you maintain clean
you need to lean
back and watch the spin
as mid twenties crop in
as mid twenties crop in
muzzling the youngsters
into monsters
and cruel gangsters
guzzling the puff puff pass
spanking the sparkling ass
all over the bus as they pass
in the verge of being a star
some opt for hipsters
others hop randomly
to the tunes of the hip-hop
instrumental while
trading fundamentals
only to be bandits and porn-stars
the naive bastards
maintains their standards
outrageous life hazards .
they indeed play hard ,party hard
pub to fancy clubs
in the name of drinking spree
that's so free
to assert @wannabes
mamas babes
take selfies as confirmation
an addiction abducting
the innocent ~Vincents
a generation of copy paste
fashion n fads
tattoos and extra body ventilation
filled with ionic metals
don't blame them
the century is so lame
burying them into flame
friday they fry more
Monday a sad day
a nuisance to a flashy Sunday