20 months ago, a cataract spiky
like cactus
am lucky to have survived
the harsh rashes
blushes and flushes
but no more
tied and untied our difference
ate candies at otis
only to ment harmony
but hate is fast fuming
diffusing like bushfires
a first blow ,hate speech growing sweet
the ferment eating like corrosive acid
their stories a bombing misunderstanding
our MOU now in ICU
its wings all dented
the bites of the current reality
love love love...love maturity
not a guaranteed eternity
unsafe loan
lacking spatial security
our dreams ,all crumbled
our hope all crippled
our togetherness ,insults doubled
am sorry, worst phrase
i dont care, my nuclear explosive
to survive your sediments
coagulated and stinking
am not interester any more
just go !just GO!
you are sour ....ohh leave me "sawa"