bought my Sony
BONNY lend some coins
M-Pesa account rusty
dusty due to the lost
bereaved and doubled
pain ,plain complain
no explain why
for why is my EX
a text that reject
ejects reflects
n projects my
negligence n lack of
financial excellence
awkward preference
never slain stain
cruel imposter
impersonates the
millionaire in me
every millennia
am Broke
block head they
brand and reprimand

still undermanned ooh
so sorry for the story
status haunting
hunting me down to
a living carcass
but AM gonna puff puff pass
dine in the passover
betray or slay and crossover
for its never a fault but my current
default status..... marasmus
boiling my conscience
for science is useless
unless it bless not stress