Tuesday, August 4, 2015


My tear-wellS have dried up
Dry lips betray my sneaky smiles
For what happened exceeded assassination
Education soldiers ambushed by dead soul dimwits

Each blood splash
Slash a family’s future
Fatefully ending their daily feature
Of nurturing a rescue generation
From their deep-down poverty constriction

A brother wailing
A sister slain
What wrong did they do?
Why did they have to go through all this?

 Dark cloud, crowd and clot
My blood acceleration
Terrific inhumane incidence
Suiciding innocent comrades
Its comprehension sparks memory tension
For no pension
Can resurrect our fallen lion(esses)

Insecurity mayhem
Loom unleashing doom
We got no room
To maintain cool with no back-up boom
Mortein doom
 Is A joke to any groom

In solidarity
Pwani to kimanthi
Maseno AND TUM
U.o.N we lead THE PEACE TEAM
Egerton, Moi Masinde MULIRO AND K.U
Strathmore ,Baraton JKUAT

Daystar ,chuka laikipia kisii
We bow down for our last respect 
Once a comrade , always a comrade




©GKatolo 2015 .....@Thank you

Monday, August 3, 2015


Image result for failed parent pics
NO woman likes poorly done sex!!! yes you heard me right .We are brought up in society that demonize the sacred awesome act due to sluggish backward retarded-mess... philosophies backdating to 11th century. Yes you call it pink, brown blue ,navy and all names.... but let me put things  IN black n white

Image result for failed parent picsIn a fast paced developing country like Kenya ....wololololo! its the greatest mistake to ignore the real  stinking wound amidst us. As for me, am never shocked by saddening news that flock our media outlets lately; of pastors found screwing their followers wife's,,,,neither is it a juicy gossip for me to see a Nyeri man chopped off his antennae. Okay what about bestiality happening daily even in very sophisticated posh neighborhood?... Come on let me also get an  answer for the growing gay-ism and lesbianism especially in an African set-up where our tradition norms dictated our behavior???  And the fresh saga of high school girls inserting edible fruit to satisfy the nuisance of their emotional escapade. PARENTS...YOU HAVE FAILED THE CURRENT GENERATION ...PERIOD. The systems put in place are skewed and inclined to inflict fear in individuals than liberate them from the evil. 

Through a recent survey, 61% of all campus ladies at their first month in campus life are virgin but by the moment they clock the end of 2nd year only 5% are ! So parents ;when any- lady grabs the freedom and distance asserts the situation, all your ill -fiery induced teaching flee their mind and the peer pressure free masons terrorize their souls from all side. Some smoke hard stuff that can terminate a intoxicated haunting past action. Sex to some parent is a taboo, yes !! Therefore why do you curse the heavens when  your daughter brings  you a bubbly princess or a charming prince? And again why also do you dictate what is or not right? to an extend of offering abortion fee and stern scary warning not to be seen in the vicinity of the neighborhood if not only sniffing their names. It leaves many valleys apart if not mourning graveside closer.  Mind you some of your daughter and sons will be cursing you even more after reading this piece. some will never imagine to come back and would rather seek asylum in filthy germicidal brothel than living with a typical threat impostor an imbecile ,failure of their responsibilities and obligation bestowed in them by the Mighty Father; Being a shepherd,a counselor, mentor, a guardian...and many more titles.

Image result for failed parent picsthe world is a bank of knowledge, wisdom comes from avid insights... but in a case where online content is the teacher...  cases where Google is the only answer to problems? a world where people are so close to each other yet they are walking in the messy streets of flooded Myanmar, some in the busy clubs of California  to the carnal   brothels of Casanova. no more communication, no physical contact nothing!!! The true aspect of  a community is senseless. No wonder a married couple will have a million encrypted passwords in their gadgets...each sex-chatting with a virtual portrait yet the distance between them is air and words....

 a lot of thing are still pending .... but as long as you are a parent/guardian  bridge the gap... emotionally, psychologically and physically etc...maintain your parental position and guide the way... 

May you be blessed abundantly for reading this.... THANK YOU

 © gift 2015

Sunday, August 2, 2015


Image result for arsenal chelsea rivalry pics
nipeni challenge ii ni omena  tu
The heat is back...the man of unnecessary drama is back...rivalry getting more nastier. Competition whatsoever is a disjointer of a long standing peace but living a world that measures success by the number of medals lifted and the position one is, it only gets worst. Chelsea is a cockroach team lead by noisy coach and as observed the decay is even more in the young in-visionary fan base...enchanting ululation of short sightedness and short lived glory. Mourino could have been a Kenyan traffic police for he well know the power of Strong buses all packed at the round-a bouts from all feeder roads. its pathetic he lacks style, rather he inflicts indecisive fear to both the team and fan making them look like rained on baboons

Image result for arsenal chelsea rivalry pics
nugu iii...boga shit uone.
Meet the professor Mr. Bean, seemingly suffering from severe ulcers and the man will show you what football professionalism is. "the only siting coach to have won unbeaten record in the world of EPL all time records. Their rivals "chelshit" only short lived the dream but came trampling down like a county council mission of exterminating unwanted flats.
Arsenal will by all means win today's match and lift their first trophy appetizer  & no matter what, the slaty competitors may purport;it will only be waste of undesired energies...

Image result for arsenal chelsea rivalry picsi warn Kenyan sport- pesa fraternity and any other betting platform across board to save themselves from embarrassments today because it will sound  a double tragedy... and a loss originating from noisy neighbors only tarnishing the cool of the blue skies is the worst omen ever
i rest my case by predicting that as the alphabet goes Chelsea will always be breathing the foul smell of failure and will trail behind Arsenal throughout. GO!GO!GO!ARSENAL...

SOLIDARITY  together....

Image result for arsenal chelsea rivalry pics
cheki waiganjo
Image result for arsenal chelsea rivalry pics
victory victory
Image result for arsenal chelsea rivalry picsImage result for arsenal chelsea rivalry pics

 © gift 2015

Saturday, August 1, 2015

the best present you can give any parent is hope for a brighter future vested in you © gift 2015

Tacking men heads-on...

Image result for power of a woman picsThe power of a woman .
Love almost made me get laid in rest in pieces rot bed. The epitome of betrayal and a combination of the worst experiences led to an undesired ultimate conclusion ...life got no meaning. A second chance of life dawned on me when I realized I could at least limp from my nurse bed to accomplish basic biological processes of faecation. Thoughts flocked from all angles and however the psychological tumor I suffered bore scrupulous decisions-I swear the last thing you should ever imagine is death !!!. I have a testimony, the power of a woman, a true taste of half-death, and half-life. Do you think we enjoy walking through the streets of  campus and busy town centres with the evidence we had unsafe sex? Only a real gentleman provides unbreakable pillar and a healthy shoulder to their beloved at the trying moments. I throw a challenge to you!
I dumbly lived in a dream stream all my life, and like any other girl, sharing is the last thing in their vocabulary, for we are naturally engineered to be go-getters, owners not options and any mistaken influx only leads to passing on, like my mama taught me “give your toys to the young ones” .  Any creature with a hanging antennae between their legs is a typical monster, a philanthropic charitable master of generosity ceremonies always ready and willing to donate. They are loaded with severe missiles seemingly harmless but ask my fellow female friends the last time they swore never to be screwed down there was the chilling morning or late night; piercing pain came raping them to terminate mysterious mistaken creature or hours before the jubilance of a safe delivery. Men don’t you ever, ever!!!; think you can measure up the power of a woman!!!  A lot happens in a ladies lifecycle, does anyone of you ever realize how much we struggle with monthly cramps, moods swinging right, north, left and cross-land?
Image result for power of a woman pics
A woman loves with their ears not like this random team mafisi dumb folded by every photo-shopped make up woman who hijacks their sight in both the market place  or online scum spam’s flocking their platforms. FYI most of you are greedy bastards, one minute performers and makeshift rascals." the power of a woman" Hahah, so what chance do you stand compared to my artificial dildos that can satisfy me, fly me to cloud 20 and back thus cursing any dude who ever wasted my time and their energies only to dump mucus quarter way the journey? This simply answers why I  have to do it with Kim every other month. So, up your game if you wanna stay relevant, respect your woman and be responsible for your action. Handsome is not a ticket to parenthood, so raise to the occasion and remember the gross mistake you can make is talk of your fathers or parents success when dating a reputable lady!!! You got that ...it’s a shame. I got Mullah, I got brains n looks, I got class, I got style, I got integrity just to name a few. Live with it or hang!  

© gift 2015

My Love,

My Love, I know that life can be tough, And bring you down when things get rough. But I want you to know, my dear, That you are strong and y...