Bright stars glowing more,
And the sparkling moon got me exposed,
I couldn't hide my grieve,
My heavy tears Flowing like stream,
And I painfully wondered
Why, why and why
Why so soon, Why her, Why Lord,??
I was in a speechless comma
My tears and eyes narrating the loss
A journey we shared just terminated
And your love gave me more shivers
I couldn't fathom not seeing you again
I couldn't understand why it had to happen
But the Cruel claws of Death,.
Just picked my favorite,
A mother so nurturing and Caring
A Wife ever present
A granny so Compassionate
An Entrepreneur in born
And in Silence, I wished I could change things
In pain I lamented how, Why,?
And until now, I am not at peace
I still have more questions unanswered
Mum... This was so soon.
If Our Tear Stream had power
Mama we could have swept u back
For indeed you made everything to our life
You made our world lovely
You made our future possible
Your words, Indeed will remain treasured
And we promise today,
To carry on your Legacy
To be Strong and Courageous forever
And no matter the Challenge
You taught us, *It's possible in He who strengths US*
We love you, we adore you and your memories,
No amount can purchase any piece
And in peace we accept
All things happen for the Greatness of Lord.
Mama, find Lords mercy Forever. Amen.Mama we could have swept u back
For indeed you made everything to our life
You made our world lovely
You made our future possible
Your words, Indeed will remain treasured
And we promise today,
To carry on your Legacy
To be Strong and Courageous forever
And no matter the Challenge
You taught us, *It's possible in He who strengths US*
We love you, we adore you and your memories,
No amount can purchase any piece
And in peace we accept
All things happen for the Greatness of Lord.
©GKatolo 2017 .....@Thank you
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