The poor walk to look for food while the rich walk to digest food.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Wireless Shear.
Yet hurts than acid
Taken for granted
Ignored in daylight
assumed as oblivion
Not the same Anymore
Sharing, a Golden Care
Spending together a twilight
delighting obligations
A bitter loathing scum
Spamming life cycle
Trajon dragon
Confiscating soul nudity
Humanity malware
Encysted in humbleness
Coagulating life virtues
As they maliciously
Spy in dumbness
Actions cross loss
Floss drowns a boss
Reality unveils character
Time has all the answers
Patient breeds humility
They will wake up
In nothingness than
Self pity ...a late spate.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Mass Lass Deception...
It has made many cry
Has confused an entire generation
Very expensive n invaluable
Has no tangible quantity
Believe, it has made many miserable
Killings in the name of LOVE
Sweet yet very bitter
A poisonous trap
A daily venture...
Emotionally unquantifiable
Yet many promise daily
Its a face value squash
A lipstick lie
Nauseating fishy dish
Lifelessly slaughtering couples
Confusing n conflicting marriages
Let's Overrate Volatile Excursions
Colloquially coined
Love Indecisively Forecasting Eternity
May attest in the Name of Almighty
Life or Love....
You have taken many
Stop the disgust
Propel reality
As legality attains neutrality
Deceptive n sensitive
I Brand u today.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Camilla vanilla
And my art
Let my love overflow upon you,my lovely dove.
Your birthday so special
And so is you
Of all the people in the world
My heart chose you
Your eyes shines your love
that inducts my eyes
and slips down my heart
cultiminating its heart beat
When you smile,your smile
embers love deep down my heart,
Let my love envelope you
Make you to flow in the world
;the breeze of love of fantasy
Am glad to celebrate with you
Happy birthday my Queen
So conspicuous n indispensable
I will water it all the days of my life
Watching it bloom into mega peacock
I promise to protect you
That no one will ever pick you
I will be your custodian
To nourish n polish our future
Apple of my eye have a belated birthday.
90% within 9
My sweat to mature in success
As I celebrate my hardwork
That squashed her sweetest memories
That kept me busy all night
As the morning drew near
The melting mellow of my genes
Being fertilized in humic soil
Brought hope and merry
Bloating daily, I grew more expectant
Life's journey promising a happy end
Watering the dreams of my years
It was a double glory...
I listened in awe as they cheered
As I cherish this journey
I was crowned the Master of the jungle
My seed a global masterpiece
Graduating with a first class
My dad saluting my success
This was the longest time of my life
Success pack well moduled
Finally I made it.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
3:39 BEAST
No failure is worth justification
No ignorance is worth toleration
No laziness is worth your time
Get uncomfortable with normalcy
Unearth the monster in you
Tactfully take calculated risks
Complaints only weakens your abilities
Overstretch today wisely
For you to enjoy a spicy tomorrow
Believe in ones self
Widen your abilities
As you maximize your opportunities
Nothing is inconceivable
Nothing is impossible
All you got is constructively concentrate.
Self-will may imprison you
Whining may drag you
Focus will keep you on track
Hardwork is inevitable
Persistency a soothing reality
While patience will witness your success.
You must invest in you
You must extraordinarily believe in you
You must structure a superhighway
in the middle of jungles
Monday, January 18, 2016
Beach Whispers
I miss the murmur of the ocean currents
I miss the upwelling of the clashing waves
I miss the whispers of the mesmerizing swirling wind
I miss the solace of the oceanic islands
I miss the waters splashing the reefs
I miss the peace of mind it all brings
I miss the blueness of the surface
I miss the sweetness of the whistling palms
I miss the clarity of the beach sands
I miss the oceanic drives
I miss ...I miss ...I miss
The nakedness of the waters
The psychological therapy I get
The emancipating vision of the seascapes
The tantalizing aroma of life
The naturality of life forms
Sweet memories of water lifeforms
I miss ...I miss ...I miss
I miss the hopeful sun rising
I miss the playful kingfishers
I miss the scenic child plays
I miss the crawling crabs....
Life in the coast....
Life in the beaches
Life in the sea
I miss everything
The Doctors of my life.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Priceless sacrifices
Lies a beautiful soul
A conqueror, a soldier a parents
And in the cold thickets of Somalia
Onsite princess guards my country
Undeterred n zealously visioned they pursue our enemy.
They place hope in the faces of an entire nation
With their unmatched sacrifices
We celebrate your efforts
We are extremely indebted
We mourn our fallen heroics
In solidarity we bow,as respect we accord forever.
They are slain, saving a Kenyan fraternity
Let peace reign, I Stand with KDF.
Father Almighty let your peace reign
We humbly ask of you.
Nothing is worth your sacrifices
Lord strength them all
With care love we will console them
Kenya as your mother is weeping
As we sign our commitments
A date with Me
Golden n magnificent
Only lies between me n me
Peacefully engaged
A marvelous companion we make
Rest be assured he knows all your deeds
He refutes your evilness
He curses your ignorances
He doesn't participate
But he is the secretary
Day after day he recounts your illness
Failures always your better half
You lead rudely, squashing his humbleness
You humiliate him in public
You lie as he genuinely warns
He wear out for you get off the hook always
Maliciously u execute your immaturity
Forever unfaithful... Slaying your public image
You bribe him to remain silent
Surely he reassures the consequences
Alerts you of the inhumanity
Yet you forge in mega atrocities
You argue forever
He waits for your change
He admires your conformity
He surely balances your cheques
He is haunted by your activities
He waits patiently
He is the only unseen witness
And it hurts him
Keeping this bundles of secrets
Which ghostly prosecute him
Oh dear come back home
I miss you baby innocence
Your mature notoriosity is wanting
I dearly chose you be your secret service
Let's reunite n roll
We have been so near yet very far
Oh come back home swee...
The golden home our Father made for us
A temple to be respected
A beautiful home to be honored.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Is a Success retardation
Fancy lousy growth
A puzzling dance.
Nature is so unforgiving
Accountability has no sorry
Transparency needs no excuse
Stable before u stumble
Humble as u gamble
Rock your life as the time clock
Sanitize looming gossips
Reassemble life structure
As u enable incline elevation.
Hanging on the Cliff
I Dare to aspire
I Dare to try my luck
I Dare to pursue the unknown
I Dare to take risks
I Dare to invest indifferently
I Dare to make my boldest move
Aspirations is the aunt
Hope the grandmother
Achievement is their daughters
Satisfaction their alpha son
Success the family
A do or die cosmopolitan
If lucky to b alive
No chances to be missed
No opportunity taken for granted
Needing a millions carat wits
A warriors life face
No storm I can't conquer
No fear I can't detonate
It's a monster burning zeal.
A spirited battle arena
Always having in mind, life is not a rehearsal.
Complete life's puzzles
Attain personal satisfaction
Hang from any cliff...
And don't drown in dreams
Crown your Guts
N boldly/hastily march to success.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
A beautiful blessed soul
A Creator n a caretaker
She doesn't isolate nor discriminate
A talented being, the all time counselor
Can't u respect UA life's sources?
A sister , an aunty u beat without a thought....
A girlfriend ,a wife u batter at will
Yet u bestow her the responsibility to cook for you,!
Don't u feel threatened to poisoning
With your wanting heinous practices?
She even forgets a family
2 decades plus they were together
Of late she is even named after you
Ghosh can't you spare you 2 cents n treat her with dignity?
She sacrifices her job time
She prepares the family daily
As u comfortably roll from one side to the other ....
Cursed is ye who places her hands on a woman
A granny you don't even spare...
World heal these wild characters...
KiNg FiSi
Manhood sillihood
A doll without brains
It fails kings
It derails Queens
Instinctive stupidity
Involuntarily generous
A wireless techmoron
That attract all on/offline Bluetooths
Morning starvations
Every man wakes to its demands
Some women can't wake without its fury
Its a perfect day starter.
Its mannerless
It blows on visualization
It can wet it's own garden
Though it can't kill a ladies partner with it's bitterness
It's respectful though
It will bow down after satisfaction
It's daunting too
For it gets fever when a beautiful alien passes.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Life anticlockwise
Chilly morning with silly appetites
Easy resolutions with messy institutions
Scorched thrombosis drowned paraphernalia
All a Juiced she-mania with sexy lingerie
Sumptuous Goal with tainted will
Malicious zeal entangled in lush hogwash...
Trash clash in sorrowful ganglia
Brainwashed dimwits
Encysted moron
Corroding humanica
Living a chaotic chest thumbing...
Hysterical ululations
A petite flimsy mash
Decimated prolifism
Undulating contour contract
All stacked in greedy individualism
Atoned by corrupt capitalism
Mheshimiwa mentality
Castrating human vitality
Posing fertility fatality
agonizing human reality
With wealth uncertainty
Whistle blowing beings insanity.
Friday, January 1, 2016
Deflate Inhumane
We care a lot, we share a lot
We wear out serving the lot
We dare dear life's daily slot
For they accuse refuse n misuse
They are non of our business
They are never part of our life
They take our concerns 4 granted
They spill hell,they shell fume spell
A duty, a call, a concern
We are wired simply this way
No way, we can't shy away
Word are the sword for life...
Seek glory not praises
Remain meek and sleeky
Strength is not a street trophy
Life test leaves you stinking
Do Right... Just to the right
Don't fight for what doesn't deserveth
Shut when necessary..
Watch n learn conclusively
Traitors are dangerous
They serve you delicacies
To starve your brilliance
They smile in awe as secret bait await
A fat belly, a tucky jelly
Stormy daily, a rough saily
Below the tally, crowned the rally
Uncouth dolly, exponential folly.
Early morning, dull calling
A mourning owl, monotonous foul
Stall up the call, scale into wellness
Rally into glory, sorry for the roll toll
Daily stance, a life chance
Don't change, don't wedge
Terror is a serious humanity error
Horror,stunned in life collar
Look at their mystery
Nuanced poly
Embedded in holy stature
Lean learn win.
Resolute arc
A Blank page, a new stage
Chances n changes
Opportunities with immense possibilities
Success matrix, blessing suffixed
Press harder, trust firmer
Have faith, don't despair
Life is a choice, be wise
Calm wild ideas to soar into greatness
Do try to impress
It will stress... n is useless
Unless its your core business
Express mission of foolishness..
Be sound with no doubt
Nurture talents nature
Navigate wilderness wonders
As you thunder excuses n inactivity.
Ask for guidance,
His unfailing grace is sufficient
As His will remain supreme
Blessings n goodness shall follow
My Love,
My Love, I know that life can be tough, And bring you down when things get rough. But I want you to know, my dear, That you are strong and y...
Thank you Lord For this world class gift A lovely charming Day That Flood my soul with Joy A day so special All glory to You Lord Than...
In the heart of Egerton University-Njoro(Nakuru, Kenya) lies a very serene 24/7 paradise 3 star (***) hotel THE ARC HOTEL {" Th...
i loved,cherish, recognize and still hold you dearest its been 1,3,6,39 ,20 yrs since you left there was no good bye i wish you waited ...