flipped as I witnessed the outrageous malice in the wonderful world as they
brand it. I watched; I played; I slayed; I swayed yet answers seemed continents
apart. My graduation drew near; all along my dearest friends and
comrades muted for sure. It was like a pure satellite disconnection. Friend vocabulary
was breached like a decaying carcass. Israel, France, Aussie, South America to
China some flew for further studies. Corporate world selective affinity
to the who is whose son or peasant hood dichotomy betrayed me;
outright lacking any efficient effective circle that could otherwise fertilize
a healthy connection for an opportunity to show up. I slayed, stranded and
reverting backward home. The simmering mirages of a deserted Kambaland clearly blurred my hopes. Communal pressure drew its fangs closer and sharper. Every granny and teenager posing unanswerable questions. I felt a failure for once;
for all of them sort me as their aggregate Savior. All the same I can’t allow
the current situation pin me down
Million questions kept poking my
mind. Daunting and tainting my future prosperity. Hopeless now was a carnal
wedge address. No deal maturing. No vacancy valid for me. No job coming my way.
Friends of friends. Family friends all enjoying my success, spending hundreds
of thousands to have fun yet they all scorn my quest for a job offer. an insult
blade dung deeper .
I felt better …I grew bitter…
PR-friends were my ultimate devils. Tactically sugar-coated in smiley emoji
faked faces. Their emoticons lacking discipline and practical validity, day drew
near. A single day I will celebrate with them and forever desert my life like
plague. These are the immediate enemies stalemate…kaa rada; watasherehekea
nawe; watakuhepa wewe. Am already preparing the after-party speech... they migh
all hate me but I would rather slap them with truth than spare their outright
intentional pretense.
©GKatolo 2015 .....@Thank you
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